Trina Solar virtual booth

Trina Solar virtual booth Development and asset integration for a custom virtual booth for Trina Solar to conduct customer relation meetings in virtual reality. Developed all custom interactions hosted on Azure cloud based on Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Extension system. Setting up accounts, handling assets and writing documentation and manuals for users who conduct and join…

Passion Play 2020

Passion Play 2020 Development of a Stereoscopic 360° Video solution including spatial sound, dynamic codec resolving and hosting for the Passionplay 2020 on Android and iOS with the option for Google Cardboard. Android and iOSCodec support for H264 and H265Custom codec resolving solutionDeveloped in 2020 (WIP)

Confined Spaces VR Training

Confined Spaces VR Training Application development, writing Storyboard and UX/UI design for a Virtual Reality Training Application on the Oculus Quest platform. This includes researching about the topic of confined spaces and developing teaching strategies on what works best in VR. Oculus QuestUnity3d, Oculus Unity IntegrationDeveloped in 2019